Dear children, let's not merely say that we love each other; let us show the truth by our actions... 1John 3:18

Tory and Kara Satter
In 2000, Tory Satter was working as a youth pastor in Omaha, Nebraska. He was looking for a cross-cultural missions experience without having to leave the United States. A fellow youth pastor told him of a Native American mission in Arizona. Tory set up a mission trip to partner with that organization. About three months before the trip, the organization called to tell them that they had been accidentally double booked. The secretary asked if they still wanted to come. The The grand plans of the youth ministry were to go to England and partner with a youth group there during the summer of 2003. Those plans fell through and Tory and Kara found themselves again making plans to come back to Arizona. Looking back, Tory and Kara can clearly see God's hand leading them to San Carlos. Even as they were on the airplane making the flight to Arizona, God began calling them. When they arrived back in Omaha, Tory told Kara that he believed God was calling them to San Carlos. Kara said, "Pray about it for six months and then get back to me!" Within six months, God had made it perfectly clear that He wanted them in San Carlos full-time, they had both resigned from their positions and were in the final stages of preparing to move. They were plane tickets were already purchased, the van was already rented and plans were all together. She told Tory about another reservation where God was opening doors and wanted to know if they were interested in going there.
During that week in the summer of 2001, God broke Tory and Kara's hearts for the San Carlos Apache people. Tory and Kara's lives were never the same. In the next twelve months of youth ministry, God was doing amazing things in the lives of the youth with whom they were privileged to work. Students were coming to Christ and even leading their parents to Him. It was an exicting time. During the summer of 2002, Tory and Kara brought another short-term mission team to San Carlos and loved every moment of seeing surburban kids exposed to missions. It was an awesome week to see students' hearts broken for God, the lost and missions. During that week God put a passion in their lives to raise up the next generation of missionaries.
The grand plans of the youth ministry were to go to England and partner with a youth group there during the summer of 2003. Those plans fell through and Tory and Kara found themselves again making plans to come back to Arizona. Looking back, Tory and Kara can clearly see God's hand leading them to San Carlos. Even as they were on the airplane making the flight to Arizona, God began calling them. When they arrived back in Omaha, Tory told Kara that he believed God was calling them to San Carlos. Kara said, "Pray about it for six months and then get back to me!" Within six months, God had made it perfectly clear that He wanted them in San Carlos full-time, they had both resigned from their positions and were in the final stages of preparing to move. They were Arizona residents within seven and a half months of that flight.
Tory and Kara Satter have been working full-time as missionaries to the San Carlos Apache Nation since March 2004. In February 2010, 3:18 Ministries was formed. 3:18 Ministries was born out of a love for God, a love for people and a longing to see revival break out on the San Carlos Apache Reservation. It is the desire of 3:18 Ministries to come alongside Apache brothers and sisters and walk through life together, mentoring them and pointing them to our Savior.