Dear children, let's not merely say that we love each other; let us show the truth by our actions... 1John 3:18

Thank you for your interest in partnering with 3:18 Ministries through a short-term mission trip. It is a great opportunity for churches, youth groups or families looking for a cross-cultural mission trip experience within the borders of the United States. We serve on the San Carlos Apache Reservation which is located about 90 miles east of Phoenix. Our short-term ministry teams stay at Trinity Baptist Church in Globe, Arizona. Globe is just a couple of miles from the reservation border line. The church has a fellowship hall and a gymnasium with bathrooms and showers. Breakfast and dinner are prepared by our staff and served in our staff members' home. Sack lunches are made after breakfast and taken to the worksite. The cost per person for a 5 day trip for 2024 is $350. This covers food, housing, and ministry supplies.
Our typical week consists of a building project in the morning and early afternoon followed by a children’s ministry time in the late afternoon. The evenings after dinner are open for your team.
For the children’s ministry time, we will go to a neighborhood where there is a park and set up a small Vacation Bible School type event. Your team can lead singing, teach the story and lesson, lead crafts and then we will have time to just love on the kids God brings. You can look at the ministry team pictures on 3:18 Ministries' Facebook page to get a better idea of what your week will look like: 3:18 Ministries.
Thank you for your interest in partnering with 3:18 Ministries through a mission trip. If you have any questions or to get your short-term ministry team on the calendar, please email us at threeeighteen@hotmail.com.
Please contact us ASAP to reserve your dates.